Community Survey

Our board is considering using a community survey to gauge public sentiment on the board’s policies related to student outcomes and overall educational quality across the district. If you or your board(s) have used a broad community survey of this nature, I would be interested to know the methodology on how the survey was designed and administered.

  1. We do not have a survey, and are trying to develop means for more public engagement.  Please share whatever you find with us.

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  2. We are looking at the same thing… looking forward to the responses.  (I think Rutland and/or Bennington has gone through some of this?)

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  3. Board member for Spaulding but by day I am a school principal – I have a community engagement survey we did a couple of years ago- with PIRC.  Happy to share it,

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  4. I know of no methods for such surveys.  But as person who has years of experience in quality, one thing that is needed is a survey of students at 2 and 4 and 6 or 8 year intervals to discover what happened after graduation; did they go to college, were they required to take remedial courses for the program then wanted to study, are they still in college, did they graduate, did they return to Vermont, etc.  Similar information is needed for graduates who did not go to college. — Such information will tell us if we are doing the job of educating them correctly. 

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  5. I have always wanted to do this in our district as I feel it would be greatly beneficial for all three sides of the table. Please share what you find as I know our community would like this avenue for sharing their opinions, but am not sure how to convince the rest of the board to make this effort.

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